Escaping Your Mind

The Battle Between Your Ego And Your True Self

So, what’s on your mind right now? Any thoughts? Worries? Concerns? Is there any annoying chatter? Any upsetting feelings, complaints, or complicated questions? Our minds continue to talk, day in and day out. It never seems to stop, does it? 

Have you ever found to get too wrapped up in all of its mumbling? Does it sometimes become too overwhelming? If so, you’re not alone. You’re not. It occurs more often than you think and in many more minds than people often care to admit. It’s a genuine struggle. A truthful insecurity.

Why is this? Often, it’s because we become hardwired that way. We are trained to be insecure about our genuine selves and that we will only be accepted if we accomplish the unachievable. That super skinny dress? We must fit into it. That fancy new car? We must drive it. It becomes the centre of our worlds. And how are we possibly going to achieve this? We resort to controlling the world around us. Or at least attempting to. And when we do this, our minds go into overdrive. It screams. It demands. It constantly bickers to us because it will stop at nothing to achieve what we’ve consciously been trained to desire. 

Not only is this control not in our power, this is also feeding the parts of ourselves that don’t need the extra attention. The parts of ourselves that pride over admiration. Some may refer to this as ‘The Ego’. As this happens, this pushes our genuine selves deeper within. It becomes less thought of. Less noticed. Less experienced. We become less of our genuine selves and more a trained actor. A pawn to the messages of society. 

But our ego loves this and cannot ever seem to get enough. The mind, of course, will do whatever the conscious ego says. So, the result is a constant chitter chatter. A mind buzzing with worries over what other people think about us, how we look, and how we can get the approval of others. 

But we must try our very best to put our egos aside. Yes, of course it is much easier said than done. Of course it is no simple task. But it is a battle that must be won, for our genuine selves depend on it. Part of this process may involve a change in mindset; a change in how you view your life, view others, and how you see yourself. Most importantly, it must involve the practicing of gratitude. As you change your way of thinking, try to make time to give thanks for all that you have, for your journey truly is an exciting one. It is marvelous. It is an astonishingly beautiful gift to be able to live. It may be challenging, it may be painful, but it is nonetheless a blessing. 

And through living, you grow. You experience your life. You fall down and get back up again. You laugh and you love. You stutter and you weep. You live. And by living, even through these seemingly simple occurrences you expand as a person. This is truly a gift, for this is your life. This is how you grow. This is how you live this precious journey that you’ve been given.

So, try to enjoy it. With all of your heart. See each challenge as an opportunity for growth and each new memory as a genuine blessing. Take care of yourself during the darkest of nights and love those who support you. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember to make time to breathe. Your life is a journey. It’s a gift. And it’s ready to be lived to its highest potential.

~Nicole Addison 

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