Are You Setting Yourself Up For Disappointment?

Are you familiar with the term ‘Arrival Fallacy’? It’s when we put certain expectations on our future selves and think “Once I get there, then I’ll be happy.” This is what some of us do when we’re planning out our goals, ambitions, and perspectives.  And it makes total sense because we set in place where it is…

Everything is Not What it Seems

So you’re most likely sitting in some kind of chair right now or lying on some kind of bed.  You’re surrounded by things that are familiar to you.  What does the room you’re in look like?  Is it messy or clean?  What colour are the walls?  If you look outside the window, what do you…

Stay Patient. It Gets Better.

Sometimes we need to stop and look at our lives for a second.  Ask yourself; Where am I now?  What does my future hold?  Am I on the right track?  These are questions that one can only answer for themselves, yet there’s no real way to do this.  How are we possibly supposed to know…